Go To: The Story of the Math Majors, Bridge Players, Engineers, Chess Wizards, Maverick Scientists and Iconoclasts--The Programmers Who Created the Software Revolution : Steve Lohr

This is a book about the people who built the software industry - or at least of few of them. It's pretty well done, and pretty accessible. All in all, this book provides some nice insights about just what it is that we in the field do, day to day. It's not all about sitting alone in front of computer... really.

This book explores the human side of the information age. Lohr covers the Microsoft and Apple stories, but he also digs deeply to learn how Fortran and Cobol were developed and ventures into the open-source world. He's pretty good at personalizing the process of software development, which makes this more accessible to the lay person. For someone in the field - it's a quick read providing good perspectives on the history of software development and engineering.

Posted: Sat - January 1, 2005 at 11:31 AM        
